Monday, July 11, 2011

By special request from my cousin Kim....

Recently, I was asked about my infrequent updating here on The Urban Parrot. Or rather, I was asked WHY I NEVER POST ANYMORE. :)

Since I was last present in the blogosphere, Dan and I moved from Shannock to North Kingstown. We discovered that having a "parrot room" secluded upstairs away from the living area was a horrible idea. Sure, it was great for putting the birds to bed early (because of the crazy neighbor who banged on the wall). It was also good for inducing human-deprivation behavioral responses (i.e. incessant screaming).

The most recent move has taken us to a space where the birds are spread out amongst the living spaces on the main floor of the house. The largest mess-catcher detailed in the previous post is still in use, but there isn't enough floor space for the other two. We are vacuuming as best we can, and I've turned one of the pieces of melamine into a desk top for my home office.

I will attempt to chronicle the living situation in a new space with the birds and a new housemate. Things are looking up so far!

Stay classy, readers.