Monday, December 28, 2009

A new year, a new blog

Living with pet birds can be challenging.  Living with 7 birds (each with its own cage), a rabbit, and a boyfriend in a three-room apartment is...interesting. 

I hope to start a conversation among bird owners: creative solutions, unsolved problems, and new ideas related to living in an apartment or rental situation with birds.


  1. Hi, good luck with the blog. I was browsing all the people who listed the Wild Birds of Telegraph Hill and noticed your image of a Bourks Parot. An interesting theme for a blog, reminds me of the story Birdy where the guy kept canarys in his room.

  2. Thanks, David. Most people in the U.S. haven't heard of Bourke's parakeets, or other species of so-called Australian grass parakeets.

    I'll look up the story Birdy. Cheers!
